Video Gallery

This page shows the videos featuring me, Akp51v, or created by me.

YouTube Channel 1 – Akp51v Vlogs

So, you can see the videos on my YouTube channel. But here, I am embedding some of them.

Handling illness as a freelancer

What do you do when you get sick and have a freelance project in progress? See, your health is vital no matter if you are a salaried person or a self-employed one. And hence, in this video below, I discuss some actions that you can take to manage your work during your unwell days.

Watch: How health problems affect freelancers on YouTube.

Channel Trailer 1

Since you need a channel trailer, I created this video shown below. And it will let the potential subscribers know my channel niche. With an effective channel trailer, you can clarify your value proposition. But as of January 2022, this is my channel trailer.

Watch: Akp51v Vlogs Channel Trailer 1 on YouTube.