Best YouTube Video Ideas that Help You Boost Engagement

New video ideas empower YouTubers to surpass several barriers to sustainable audience engagement. Therefore, all YouTubers, whether professionals or hobbyists, must regularly explore how other content creators have built their online presence using more creative approaches to scripting, producing, post-processing, and promoting videos. This post will focus on the top YouTube video ideas that enable better viewer engagement and long-term relationship management.

The List of Effective YouTube Video Ideas

1| Vlogs

Video logs (Vlogs) can include your creative processes, lifestyles, personal stories, adventures, opinions, and passion projects. Vlogging is more informal than video documentaries or audiovisual essays. Therefore, you can enjoy some editorial freedom if you create vlogs.

Each YouTuber has a unique philosophy for organizing vlogs on their channel.

For example, some content creators create a separate channel to prevent audience confusion. This way, they can retain professionalism suitable for their primary audiences on the main channel. Meanwhile, they can produce more personality-focused YouTube video scripts and connect with audiences not minding a snapshot of their admired creator’s way of living.

2| Unboxing Videos

An unboxing video is a shorter version of a detailed product review. Why are unboxing videos good for YouTubers? Customers want to know what they can get in a product’s package.

Sure, eCommerce stores provide the box contents in the specifications section of a product listing page. Still, humans are curious about products and packaging. Even individuals not interested in buying a product will watch your unboxing video to satisfy their curiosity.

3| Explainers and Tutorials

I did not know how to create a drop-down menu using HTML and CSS to replace the default navigation option on my Blogspot blog. Yes, I learned about the beautiful <details> tag in HTML. However, I also went on YouTube to see it in action. This second step was unnecessary. Yet, I watched a few videos.

Unlike popular beliefs, you do not need to explain how a car’s engine works with diagrams or which performance criteria will affect audits concerning building safety in an earthquake zone.

A quick search over YouTube will reveal the views and likes for tutorial videos showing how to knot your shoelace, tie the tie, and install open-source fonts on a computer. Indeed, what seems straightforward to you might be a puzzle to someone else.

Go ahead and become a teacher or lecturer of the simple and complex skills you possess.

Make YouTube videos to increase awareness and knowledge. Assist your audiences in troubleshooting common PC problems, crafting generative AI prompts, and preventing dehydration.

4| Funny Sketches, Comedy Clips, and Prank Videos

Laughter is a globally popular medicine for your headaches. You might be tired of the traffic or fired due to office blame games. Thankfully, comedies, parodies, satires, and pranks can help you withstand stressful realities by making you laugh a lot.

5| Interviews, Podcasts, and Collaborations

You can invite other content creators or subject experts to participate in a YouTube video project. You can use the one-on-one interview format or host a podcast involving multiple guest speakers. Otherwise, you can provide your channel’s platform to others whose content might be relevant to your target audiences.

6| Answering Questions

A Q&A video might feature you or your friends answering crowdsourced questions. Alternatively, you could visit discussion forums and question-answering communities on a live stream. Select exciting questions from your viewers’ comments and online community platforms.

Also, enrich your content with sound effects, pop culture references, memes, and detailed graphs based on your YouTube growth goals.


You will require several trials and errors before discovering ideal YouTube video ideas appropriate for your channel growth. Consider whether you must include or omit informal speech components. Avoid recreating other content creators’ videos without value-additive original research. Finally, recall your memorable events or favorite content formats to experiment with these YouTube video formats.